Friday, December 19, 2008

The Nursery

Here are some pictures of the nursery. We are almost finished. Just need some pictures and his name on the wall (but we have to decide on a name of course) and then it's all ready for baby boy to arrive!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Boots

Here's our cutie pie about to head to school this morning. This picture reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood - for some reason she really wanted to hold that basket in the picture. Check out her new boots. She loves them, but at the same time, she's unsure about them. She was worried they didn't "match" and what she was talking about was the size. She's not used to such big, bulky boots. But she loves how comfy they are, especially since most of her other shoes have been giving her "bloosters" as she calls it.

Our Problem Child

If it's not one thing with Ty, it's another. Who would have thought one cute little dog could have so many issues and be so dang expensive? Not that we don't have enough going on in our lives right now, but Ty decided to add to the fun by getting really sick. He wouldn't eat or drink for a few days. I had to take him to the vet two days in a row to get fluids because he was so dehydrated. They also did two films of his abdomen to make sure he didn't have a blockage. The only thing they found was an inflamed lower intestine filled with gas. The dr. thinks he may have had a virus. So he was sent home with special food, which he still wouldn't eat for another two days and antibiotics. He finally started feeling a little better on Sunday night. Each day he is showing more improvement and I think he's just about back to normal (if you can even call him "normal"). However, he won't stop licking the spot that they put the IV to give him fluids and he's turning it into a "hot spot", which I now have to put ointment and gauze on to prevent from getting much worse. Honestly Tyson!
Here's a picture of him not feeling well last Saturday the 13th.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

We started our weekend off by watching Fred Claus as a family on Friday night, followed by Frosty the Snowman. Then yesterday morning we headed over to grandma and grandpa's to bake goodies for Christmas. While grandma and I baked, Adi had fun playing house, coloring, and making crafts with scrapbook embellishments. Meanwhile, daddy and grandpa were playing golf up at Tuscan Ridge. They are trying to play as much as possible before the rain comes.

Later in the evening last night, after dinner and bath, we made a gingerbread house! Adi had a blast putting all of the candy on it (and eating some of it too). I on the other hand, was slightly frustrated with the broken roof (it came broken) and the stupid icing. We had a great time together and she just loves looking at her house. She wants to give it to Evan for Christmas - such a thoughtful girl.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Good Friends

Kendal, Mac and Marlee came over to visit last night. The girls had a blast playing house and dress-up in our room. In this picture Kendal is dressed as Hanah Montanna and Adi is a princess. Mac and Lance watched football and talked baseball and the three dogs had a ball playing with each other. It was a great night with friends.


Wasn't I saying in my previous post that I wish it would get cold? Well, the past few days have been really cold! It was 32 this morning and we had frost on our plants! Much better for the holiday season. Here's our cutie pie dressed all warm for school Wednesday morning. She's growing up so fast!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fairy Dust

Lots of fun today using all of my makeup to play dress up as a fairy!


Yesterday was a fun day for the girls. We had beautiful weather (although I would like it to get colder now that Christmas is almost here) so mom and I took Adi to Caper Acres. She learned how to swing all by herself during recess at school and it's all she talks about. Sure enough, when we got to the park she headed straight for the swings. Wow - she really does go high! Then it was lunch and nap for Adi, shopping for me, and daddy was busy cleaning the garage, hanging the Christmas lights, and decorating the tree (which looks great)!

Finally mom and I took Adi to dinner at La Hacienda and then to see the Annie musical. Her first musical and she just loved it. She sang along to the songs and was mesmerized by Annie. She even got Annie's autograph after the show! It was so cute. We didn't get home until after 10:00 and she conked out pretty quick and slept until 9:45 this morning!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let's Get Cookin'

We finally got Adi tonight after over a week without her. We seriously missed her so much. She talked our ears off for the first hour and then got busy with her toys. I began cooking for Thanksgiving tonight and Adi wanted to help. She pretends to cook with me by making her special "soup" (a mixture of water, sugar, coffee and various spices). We are heading to my parent's tomorrow morning to help mom cook the feast. Lance and dad are going golfing and will be home in time for the Dallas game. Should be a great day.

The Deer vs. The Car

While driving home from our recent trip to the coast, we hit a big buck. Luckily no one was hurt (except for the poor deer) but our car is pretty banged up. We obviously have to get it repaired and I will be without my baby for almost 2 weeks! I hate rental cars!

The Belly

Here are some pictures of my ever-growing belly. We are so excited for our baby boy to arrive - it's getting so close now!

November Coast Trip

We had so much fun at the coast a couple of weeks ago. The kids played and played, the dogs ran and ran, and the rest of us, well, we just tried to relax amidst all of the chaos. We enjoyed long walks every day on the path that runs along the water, did some shopping and lots of eating! This was probably our last trip to the coast for some time, and next time we will have our "little man" with us (just to add to the chaos some more)!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here We Go

Well, this is my first blog ever so hang in there with me until I figure it all out. My dear friend, Kimberly, suggested the idea to me. I think it's a great way to keep our far away friends and family closer to us by updating it throughout the month so you can see what kind of trouble we are getting into here in California....