Monday, February 15, 2010

13 Month Update

Holden had a well-baby appointment at 13 months and at that time he weighed 22 lbs. and 4 oz. (just below the 50th %) and was 31.5 inches (75th %). So he has definitely slowed down in the weight gain but he did gain at least 1 three months. Before his appointment I was thinking he hadn't gained anything, so I was relieved that he did, even if just a little. He's so active, running all around, dancing, etc. that not only is he burning tons of calories, but he also doesn't want to stop to eat.

He's talking up a storm lately - he has this new babble that just cracks up Adi and I! He can say a few words and is trying some new words. Let's see, here are his words up to this point:
Mama, dada, sissy (sounds like shishy), Adi (sounds like deee), Ty-Ty (what we call Tyson), My (what we all Mylee), Dude (grandpa taught him that one), bike (sounds like by), bye-bye (sounds like buh-bye), hi (sounds like hieeeee), no, milk (sounds like meel), ball (sounds like ba or ball), kitty, tractor (very high pitched), dog (sounds like dog or da), sheep (sounds like shee) and Bubba. He has known how to sign for "milk" and "all done" for a little while now, but just learned "more" a couple of weeks ago. Mommy was very excited about that!

On his 10 month update I put that he was sleeping through the night. Well that went out the window a few nights later. He no longer sleeps through the night. He goes down for 2 to 4 hours but usually 3, and then he comes to bed with us. I have tried putting him back in his crib after getting him back to sleep but he wakes up right away again. Daddy likes me to bring him to bed with us. Although our bed is cramped, we love being next to long as he sleeps. When he doesn't feel well, he just tosses and turns and wants to nurse and yells out. So I usually take him to the couch or rocking chair for a few hours. Thank goodness for my yummy coffee in the morning!!

Holden loves looking at books and being read to, he LOVES running around outside, playing with balls of course, taking rides in the jeep he and sissy got for Christmas, playing chase and peek-a-boo! He hates getting his diaper changed, getting dressed and going to bed.

He climbed into this tub while I was on the computer.

Peek-a-boo, I see you!!

Feeding himself some yogurt....

Decided it might be easier to just pour it in his mouth...

Back to using the spoon...

Notice the hair - there is yogurt all over his head!!

Got a nice bath after the yogurt mess.

Relaxing on the fire truck couch chewing on
a toothbrush (one of his favorite things to chew on).

The sand pile at mommy's work.

Sitting in and pretending to drive the big dump truck at mommy's work.

Throwing a ball around and enjoying some warm sunshine at work.

Decided to crawl into his toy basket to look at a book.

1 comment:

The Mullins Family said...

He is so darn cute! I love the yogurt pictures! Doesn't it seem like you have to stick them in the bath after almost every meal once they start feeding themselves?!